
How To Make Better Flashcards For Learning German

Even with all the right tools, you're still jump to encounter obstacles while learning German language.

Sometimes, irresolute how yous go about learning can greatly improve your High german.

To help you build your working vocab and expressions, here are seven simple and logical tips for how to ameliorate your German and progress toward fluency.


  • ane. Learn Literal Translations of Sentences
  • two. Go a Grasp on the Grammar
  • iii. Don't Let Grammer Get in the Way
  • iv. Use New Vocab in Old Sentences
  • 5. Say It Loud and Proud
  • vi. Write Phrases out in Longhand
  • vii. Group Similar Sentences and Words

1. Learn Literal Translations of Sentences

how to improve your german

Unfortunately learning German isn't as simple as swapping each English language give-and-take for a German one. Each language has its own logic and structure. When they say that to truly learn German you must exist able to remember in it, they're talking about its idiomatic characteristics that commonly aren't establish in other languages.

Knowing the literal translation of the sentence, even if it sounds funny in English, tin can help go you embedded in the syntax of the sentence. This makes remembering it easier, and starts to pull the curtains away from the structure of High german.

Allow'due south take, for example, the simple case of maxim "How are yous?" to your friends: Wie geht es dir?Fifty-fifty if you've heard of it before, it could look similar an odd expression without much sense to it. However, like and so much of German, there'southward an inherent rationale to it. Let'south pause it down:

Wie (How)



dir(to y'all)

What you're actually maxim when you function ways in Germany is "How goes it to you lot?" While it sounds awkward in English language, it does start to make some sense. It sounds like a greeting. Finding its literal translation can make information technology easier to absorb one time the logic is laid bare, and helps get some more vocab out of a single expression.

2. Go a Grasp on the Grammar

Most people seem to fearfulness grammar. Just those bunches of rules tin actually make learning a linguistic communication easier. Here's why learning grammar sooner is better:

The more than parts of a phrase that don't make sense to you, the harder it is memorize that phrase, and the less likely you are to utilise it.

Allow'southward have this example:

Ich schaue ihm zu.(I scout him.)

The kickoff German learner will probably recognize that there's a verb conjugated in the "I" course. Only why does the sentence end in zu? (Zuschauen is a separable verb, so the prefix zu goes to the end of the sentence when the stem is conjugated.) What nearlyihm? (Information technology's the dative class of er or "he,"which here is the equivalent of "him." In this case, it too has to do with that prefix zu, but you tin learn more nearly that later.)

Doesn't knowing these things brand the sentence easier to recall? Otherwise, you're memorizing a bunch of sounds that don't mean much to you yet.

Learning in context and breaking down sentences are two of the best ways to boost your learning. The two techniques combined will help you recognize patterns in German grammer, and go confident in recreating information technology in your own sentences.

I highly recommend listening to High german speakers and noting the style they utilize words and grammar. If you're not too confident in your listening skills, the FluentU program offers authentic German videos with interactive captions.

You can read along (in High german and English) while you scout and have note of the grammer being used. Any time yous run into a word being used in an unexpected way, you can check what it means and its grammar info by hovering your mouse over it. Save annihilation of annotation to your personalized flashcards for later review.

three. Don't Permit Grammer Get in the Style

how to improve your german

The above point being said, don't get hung upwards on grammar and mechanics that yous don't sympathize at the moment. Simply memorize the sentence and trust that afterward information technology volition make sense why information technology was written like that.

Learning German, as with any language, takes a leap of religion. Sometimes pieces fall into identify further down the route.

Grammar tin get pretty hairy and overwhelming at times for a offset learner. All the same, information technology may be useful to have a German language speaker explain information technology to you, fifty-fifty if it doesn't brand complete sense at that moment.

Sometimes merely knowing that thereisa logic behind the mechanics of a sentence gives a boost of conviction.

iv. Use New Vocab in Onetime Sentences

how to improve your german

As you improve High german, you lot're constantly building on what y'all already know. Once you've learned a sentence, challenge yourself to find new words to substitute into its construction. For case:

Ich magazine Äpfel essen. (I like eating apples).

Yous don't take to start garnering a taste for apples only to use this sentence in chat. Switch outÄpfelfor any number of foods, such asBananen(bananas),Käse (cheese) or keep it unproblematic: Pizza(pizza).

Ich mag Pizza essen.

It well-nigh sounds as well obvious to mention, only working with sentences this fashion forces you to appoint with them, making it more than likely y'all'll think them, equally well as put them to use. Maximize the potential of each phrase you larn by trying out elementary variations.

5. Say Information technology Loud and Proud

how to improve your german

Studies in psychology suggests that memory memory can exist improved by speaking out loud the sentences you want to principal. When learning languages at that place'southward an additional reason to speak upward: You want to get used to saying them in chat anyway.

Information technology can exist hard to interruption through the natural habits of being a native English speaker, such as forgetting that the German "westward" sounds like the English language "v." The result is the equivalent of being an Elmer Fudd looking for the "wascally wabbit." Not only does reciting the sentences vocally make more connections in your brain and re-correct what it thought it knew, it helps develop your tongue get used to making those unfamiliar German sounds, such equally "ch" or "z."

And since people will avert the crazy person speaking to himself in German, you'll have more time to study.

six. Write Phrases out in Longhand

how to improve your german

Ever notice that you tin remember your to-exercise listing without even looking at it in one case you've written information technology down, merely can't remember one-half of it if information technology was but ever in your mind?

There'southward something about the deed of writing things downwards (more than so than typing them) that helps gild them in our brain. Why non go old-schoolhouse and use this to your reward when learning new German vocabulary and sentences? Information technology but takes a infinitesimal to write down new phrases, a fourth dimension investment well worth the advantages information technology brings.

Any true-blue learner of German language volition have a nice source of material that they're challenging themselves with, whether information technology be a textbook, a German language news article or a website with a vocab list. Wherever you go them from, consider keeping these phrases on a slice of paper in your back pocket. Why twiddle your thumbs in the dentist office or while waiting for the motorbus when y'all can exist copying German language phrases?

Write them on the bath stall if you have to. Hey, it's in the proper noun of language learning.

Eventually, try to complete the job from memory without looking the words up. Engaging with the sentences in this style is some other adventure to get down and muddy with the German linguistic communication and speed your progress towards fluency.

7. Grouping Similar Sentences and Words

how to improve your german

The goal of learning any new linguistic communication is to be able to use it to communicate finer and express yourself. Another style to set yourself up for real-earth usage is to organize phrases that have similar meanings or that can exist used in related situations.

For example,Ich habe schon gegessen(I accept already eaten) can exist paired withIch habe keinen Hunger(I'm not hungry), as they are probable to both be used in the same conversation. Write them down together in your learning periodical (if you have ane), put the flashcards on the same function of the fridge or but write the phrases side by side to each other on a slice of paper (in case you oasis't read #half dozen).

Whatever your study methods include, add some canniness to it and get the well-nigh out of your efforts.

Obviously textbooks do a lot of this matching for you lot, generally offering vocab and phrases on a singular subject. Notwithstanding, making these connections yourself with phrases y'all encounter from various sources forces you to work with the language in an intuitive and useful way, leading to better results downwards the road.

It isn't e'er easy to improve German language. Sitting down and learning new words and phrases can't exist avoided. Still, if yous throw your back into it and constantly challenge yourself in creative means, you'll ultimately get rewarded.

Persevere, picking upwards the grammar when you tin and plugging on when you tin can't. Look for ways to exercise more than just reading the sentences quietly to yourself and y'all'll figure out how to ameliorate your High german much faster than you lot expected.

Ryan Dennis was a Fulbright Scholar and previously taught at Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd. In addition to hating ketchup, British spelling and violence, he writes The Milk Business firm—the only literary cavalcade almost dairy farming.


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